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Musical Performance: Jenna Lindbo

Cosmic Collaboration: Encountering the Divine through Music & Songwriting

Sat 11 AM | Café

What if we thought about creativity as a collaboration with the Divine, an invitation to encounter and co-create with God, Spirit, or Source? The invitation is open to every one of us – the self-described “artists” and folks who claim “honey, I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” The truth is, YOU are a wondrous creation, a unique expression of life with a divine spark. We were made to create and share our light. What if we leaned in more fully and embraced that invitation, followed those creative sparks and cranial fireworks, and listened to quiet callings? What fills you with delight? When do you feel connected to God? How do you tap into the Infinite? Ponder these questions and join singer-songwriter, Jenna Lindbo, for a life-affirming, conversational performance tracing unexpected intersections and encounters with the Divine through song and story.


Jenna Lindbo

Singer. Songwriter. Dog-lover. Bike-rider turned banjo player. Jenna Lindbo is a big-hearted human and multi-instrumentalist who loves creating connection and building community through music. Before putting roots down in NC, she spent a number of years touring full time, performing with Catie Curtis and sharing original music from coast to coast. Nowadays, Jenna lives with her wife in Asheville, where she serves as minister of music at Land of the Sky UCC and enjoys being part of a vibrant community rooted in the Mountains. She still travels to different pockets of the map, bringing music to conferences, classrooms, workshops, and retreats. Track her down at the Goose or reach out after the festival if you’d like to learn more about songwriting retreats or to find out about her collaborations with a positive psychologist, where music, stories, and science are intertwined with soulful reflection and life-affirming work.

268 Musical Performance: Jenna Lindbo
327 Goose in the Round: Friday

Session #268